Are Your Website Links Making A Difference?
By Robert Hart
Links can make or break your company’s website. If properly constructed, the traffic and sales can be limitless. If done poorly no one will know of your existence in the vast expanse of the world wide web.
A link, also known as a hyperlink, is a reference to another document or resource online. Links are the foundation of the internet. Links can be presented any number of ways. When Tim Berners-Lee created the internet, he saw the importance of links. He wanted every piece of information to be linked to another and so on – a virtual web.
One key idea with linking is to have popular links, otherwise no one will pay them any attention. Link popularity is a big determining factor for successful web sites. It is determined by the total number of links associated with your web page. The more links to your web site, the more important your web site must be. However, while having many links to your page or site may help in terms of popularity, they may also hurt. It’s important to know which websites are linking back to your page.
Another important thing to remember is that not all links or files work well in this environment. Sites like Link Brander aid in the proper construction of links so that they are user friendly and conducive to web surfing.
More About LinksIf the link is unreadable, it won’t get any hits. If it’s readable and creates curiosity, people will hit and follow it. Well-executed email campaigns can benefit tremendously from it, as can website traffic. The message needs to be clear in order for it to have a chance.
Link text should contain your keyword. If it does not, or if it is unclear what the link is for, there will be few hits on that link and traffic will be low. Keywords work better as links than your company name does. Search engines such as Google pay attention to the title of the link that points to your site rather than your company’s name. It helps too if the links for a particular site are compiled into a directory rather than listed all on one page.
If any web site is truly going to succeed, then it must provide the information its visitors seek. When adding any links to your or your company’s sites, be sure that the links provided also contain valuable information that will suit your visitor’s needs. Good link partners are those that do not compete directly with your website’s services. Search engines also rank sites with links that have quality content. So it’s important to remember that not all links are created equally.
More About Links